Panama Baseball Tour

Panama Baseball Tourwas born in 2010 being the spark that started this company. We successfully entered and positioned the United States as a destination for top-level sports events, with careful and personalized attention, as well as perfectly organized travel logistics, to make your trip a comfortable and different adventure.

To date, there are hundreds of Panamanians who have enjoyed baseball, soccer, football and sports in an innovative way, promoting Premium Travel with its Panama Baseball Tour brand as a leading agency in the sports entertainment market.

We combine sports destinations, taking advantage of the great attractions of cities such as New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, Orlando, Washington, Tampa, Williamsport and Cooperstown, among others, which have witnessed sports as an unforgettable experience.

If you are interested in a personalized sports tour package to the United States for you or your group, do not improvise and get a quote with us. 

Premium Travel… live up the experience!